Mental & Behavioral Health
Part 2: How PMDD Affects the Brain
Psychiatric and medical doctors have some overlapping training, but not much. According to psychiatrist Dr. Rosie Gellman, "Psychiatrists have about 6-12 months...
By Health in Her HUE
Mental & Behavioral Health
The Art of Self-Care - How to “Treat Yourself” Effectively
Given the last several years of the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Mental & Behavioral Health
Black Women and the Impostor Syndrome Struggle
You’ve been feeling like a fraud - like you’ve...
Mental & Behavioral Health
When Enough is Enough: Taking care of your Mental Health Through Self-Care
Wake up at 5:00am. Tidy up the house. Pack...
Mental & Behavioral Health
Writing As a Form of Healing and Self-Care
I like making up stories. At first, writing was...
Sparkling Tooth Gems and Iced Out Grillz: Can Dental Jewelry Affect Your Oral Health?
September 19, 2024 | 10:51pm
It’s Not Just Bad Cramps: Real Talk About Heavy Flow & Endometriosis
September 4, 2024 | 7:54pm
Snatching Back Your Edges: Hair Loss Restoration & Black Women’s Wellness
September 4, 2024 | 5:43pm
Mental & Behavioral Health
How Your Mother Wound Impacts Your Self-Perception
It is your mother who teaches you what you deserve....
Mental & Behavioral Health
Unplugging As a Form of Self-care
Once limited to helping us connect with friends, family and...
Mental & Behavioral Health
Things to Consider When Supporting Someone With Mental Health Needs
Mental health has been in the news a lot lately....
Mental & Behavioral Health
When You Think You’ve Healed, Heal Some More
Imagine my shock after being in therapy, becoming a therapist,...
Mental & Behavioral Health
The Trauma You Never Knew Existed
For so long trauma was characterized as suffering PTSD from...
Mental & Behavioral Health
The Struggle Is Real: Stressors and Their Impact on Black Women’s Health
Unfortunately, none of us are strangers to stress. As Black...