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The Impact of Healthcare Provider Blind Spots

Autoimmune diseases affect approximately 8% of the population. Lupus...

It Answered Back - A Hilarious Joke

I jumped off my last zoom call at 6:30pm....

A New Type of CEO: A Conversation with Dr. Aletha Maybank

The American Medical Association is the largest association of...

[OPINIONS] Alkaline Veganism and its Claims to Cure

I was having a conversation with someone today and...

Don’t Get Burned This Summer

Summer is the perfect time for relationships, whether you’re single...

Yoga – A Wellness Tool to Reach Optimal Health

“Limit your intake on fried foods. Eat fruits and vegetables....

The Immortal Myth of the “Strong Black Woman”

In April 2018, The New York Times ran a headline...

How Your Mother Wound Impacts Your Self-Perception

It is your mother who teaches you what you deserve....

Unplugging As a Form of Self-care

Once limited to helping us connect with friends, family and...

Things to Consider When Supporting Someone With Mental Health Needs

Mental health has been in the news a lot lately....